If you wish to lay gravel surfacing without gravel sheets, you must choose either a coarser type of gravel or gravel with many fine particles.

If you wish to lay gravel surfacing without gravel sheets, you must choose either a coarser type of gravel or gravel with many fine particles. It is also more difficult to ride through with a bicycle, pram, or trolley. Moreover, the heels on ladies’ shoes sink into the gravel, causing them to get damaged.

You could also choose a finer gravel type to fixate the gravel; however, the use of finer particles (0 – 5 mm or 0 – 15 mm) reduces permeability. This creates puddles, potholes and rutting, and causes the fine particles to stick to the car’s tires and to one’s shoes.

The use of gravel sheets keeps the gravel in place, and yields a stable and permeable surface without any rutting formation.