• Our sedum trays are pre-cultivated up to 80 – 85%. This gives immediate results and we can call it a ready-to-use system. With a traditional construction, substrate layers and sedum cuttings/sedum mats are used, which always need a certain period of time to root and grow dense. his gives weeds the chance to grow in the green roof.
  • The sedum trays are very easy to install and it can be done by one person, which ensures a very fast and efficient installation. In a classical construction, blowing carts or big bags are used.
  • Since trays are used, they can be removed very easily in the event of any roof work after installation. With the classic system, the entire substrate layer must be removed and everything must be installed again afterwards.
  • The trays ensure a constant substrate thickness. With classic systems, the thickness of the substrate can vary between 1 and 8 cm, which also leads to weed growth.
  • On roofs with a slope, the substrate remains in the tray. With the classic system, there is a risk of shearing and weed growth at the lowest point of the slope, as the moisture sinks to the lowest level and thus encourages weed growth.